Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Dart-Populaire, Feb-10

Hi all, with an eye on the long range forecast for 02/10, it's time to get hyped for the most fun you can have on a bike: Dart-Pop! 

For those of y’all who haven't done this before, it goes something like this:

Martin has created three 120k routes that are hilly, swoopy, and country, using some of the best roads the Piedmont has to offer. One route goes mainly north, one goes northwest, and one goes amongst the two. All of the routes cross each other and share some of the controls. All teams will start at exactly 8:00am using different exits from the start location.  We all converge at the second to the last control, and then at exactly 2:00pm, we ride as teams that last 25kms (16 miles) to the final control, where we will all arrive by 4:00pm and rest, eat, and tell tall tales together. Funny how that all works out.

If you're motivated by the bling, this is a team event that counts towards a RUSA Cup and the new RUSA Rouleur award.

Now to make this work, we need riders. Two or three teams of 4 or 5 bikes each would be awesome (tandems count as one bike). Usually we divide up into teams in the parking lot before the start, but if you have a team in mind, please go ahead and let Martin know.  If there is a specific route you want, let him know that too.
There is a little homework thoughthe PDF soft-copy waiver can be accessed here.  Fill it out, print it, sign it, snap it or scan it, and then send to Martin by Thursday, Feb-08, 7pm so we'll know you are coming, and bring with you to the start.  Also bring the $5 ride fee (exact cash, please). 
If you're unable to print the waiver yourself, contact Martin offline to arrange an alternative. 
Here are the three RWGPS links of the courses:
There will be no paper cards- team captains will take photos of their teams at all of the controls. Take lots of good photos. When done, we will email them to Martin.  (See first comment below.)

Get ready for a great day of riding!
